All of Sweden in one place
We can provide you with maps and tourist brochures from all over the country – completely free of charge.
Order brochures
In our brochures you can find everything from magnificent wild nature to exciting back streets in bustling cities.
Books and puzzles
You can order fantastic books about Sweden and nice puzzles here.
New brochures and maps
Does it cost to order brochures?
All brochures and maps are free to order. If you order fewer than three, a shipping fee of SEK 49 is added, take the opportunity to order more at the same time to avoid paying shipping.
This does not apply to the Camping catalogue.
How many brochures can I order?
You can order one of each brochure. If you want more of a variety, contact us.
How long does it take to receive my brochures?
Within Sweden it takes 3-5 days.
Outside Sweden, it takes up to two weeks.